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Holy Matrimony



 "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.”Genesis 2:24

For couples planning on a wedding at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel/Holy Spirit parishes

The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is a blessed event and the foundation of our Church community.  We are pleased to assist you in this most important commitment. A Wedding Guide is available with information to assist you in planning a Catholic Church wedding.  Catholic weddings may only be performed in a Catholic Church.

  • The Diocese of Trenton rules require couples to contact the parish office at least 1 year prior to the date planned for your wedding to make arrangements for a series of wedding preparation meetings with celebrant.

  • Weddings may take place on any day of the week except during Holy Week and Easter. On Saturday no wedding may take place after 2 PM in the OLMC Church so as not to interfere with the regular mass schedule

  • Catholics must provide a recently issued (within last 6 months) baptismal certificate with notations.

  • Christian non-Catholics should provide a certificate or letter of baptism from their church

  • Wedding Masses are available for Catholic couples. Weddings between Catholics and Christian non-Catholics or non-Christians will be ceremonies only. At least one of the parties must be a Parishioner.

2018 Mother of Mercy Parish

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